What Are Progressive Web Apps?

January 25, 2022

What Are Progressive Web Apps?

A Progressive Web App(PWA) is a website which is built using modern web technologies, that acts like a native app. It is just like a regular web app that comes with some extra benefits like push notifications, quick response for user interactions and offline support to provide exceptional user experience. They can be very useful for an enterprise to enhance their users experience.

What makes PWA’s different from web apps and why you should build one?

A PWA has some features which makes it different from a web app / a website.

  1. Responsive: It is accessible to every screen and from any device.
  2. Reliable: It is built using Server Worker’s technology that allows users to access the application even when the connection is poor and the internet is down.
  3. Resembles an app: It has all the specifications and user experience like a mobile app.
  4. Secure: It uses HTTPS to ensure users that the data which is exchanged is safe and privacy is protected.
  5. Accessibility: They can be shared and installed using a link. It takes comparatively less time to get uploaded than native apps.
  6. Updates: They are set to auto-update. Users do not need to keep a track on updates to download them.
  7. Push Notifications: PWAs notify when there is any new content. This improves customer engagement.
  8. Installation: Since it is available on web browsers, users are not required to install it from any app store. One can access it online or add it as a shortcut icon on the homescreen of their desktop.

To Summarize

A Progressive Web App (PWA) is basically a mix of traditional browser experience and mobile app experience. PWAs are web-based applications that are intended to work on any platform.
